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The biggest day of the year has dawned for hundreds of new engineering students starting the first day on their new degree programmes at Aarhus…
The number of applicants to engineering at Aarhus University increases once again. After a year of stagnation due to coronavirus, young people flock…
Once again, AU Engineering participates in the annual People's Meeting (Folkemødet) in the "tech tent" together with the other technical universities…
Radical innovation. Under this headline, 275 engineering students explained why their ideas have the potential to disrupt an entire industry. They…
The curve is only heading in one direction for engineering at Aarhus University. In just two years, total revenue has more than doubled, external…
Engineers are in demand like never before. Anyone attending the internship days P-day at Katrinebjerg and Praktik Match at Navitas will know. The…
A new research and development project will bring together the entire value chain in the Danish construction sector to explore the huge, unreleased…
Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc in engineering students.
Aarhus University researchers are involved in a major international research project to develop new decision-making tools for renovation featuring…
Temperatures, noise levels and light and air quality have a significant impact on learning for children and young people. A new indoor climate…
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