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Hasan Alsofi graduated as a construction engineer in January 2021. He has now established a building contractor company called 3DCP with his friend…
Nearly 500 applicants have Aarhus University as their first choice. The programmes with winter admission are particularly popular.
There hasn’t been much focus on the green transition of construction sites – but there’s a lot to be gained. A number of companies and knowledge…
Artificial intelligence is a key word in two major EU-funded projects aiming to dramatically reduce the number of accidents and close call incidents…
He has helped more than anyone else to adorn the flat, Danish landscape with monumental buildings. Now, the award-winning civil engineer Klaus H.…
By far the majority of the air we breathe in Denmark is indoor air. Yet we know very little about the cocktail of chemicals entering our bodies in…
Two MSc in engineering students who are developing a special kind of concrete for terrorism protection have each received a scholarship for a study…
Denmark is to be climate-neutral by 2050. This requires major changes in our utilities sector, and buildings will play a significant role in this…
Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has just published the 65 research projects on the green transition that have been awarded grants. Researchers…
In a new project, Sweden, Norway and Denmark will gather and exchange experience from building projects in order to optimise energy consumption in…
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