Aarhus University Seal


We educate BEng, MSc and BSc graduates in Engineering as well as PhDs, all of whom can help create sustainable technological solutions for society.

At the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, our study programmes are designed to meet the needs of business and industry at all times. The teaching is project- and problem-based, and the diploma degree programme includes six months of valuable internship.

Graduates from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering can think critically and holistically, balance theory and practice and find creative solutions to complex challenges.

The employment rate for graduates from both our BEng, BSc and MSc of Engineering degree programmes is high.

The Master of Science in Engineering degree programme takes a total of five years, and with an MSc in Engineering, our graduates serve as the promoters of many major changes in society in jobs in virtually all sectors where technology plays a role, both in Denmark and abroad.

The Bachelor of Engineering programme takes 3½ years, and during their studies students meet the business community through their engineering internships. Some graduates with a Bachelor of Engineering degree choose to enter the labour market immediately after graduation, while others choose to take courses so they can continue their studies to MSc in Engineering level.

Engineering graduates can also pursue a career in research if they choose to pursue a PhD.

Read about our engineering degree programmes

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (in Danish):

Master of Science in Engineering (in English):