Aarhus University Seal



Klaus Ostenfeld joins the group

For the last couple of years, we have had the pleasure of having Klaus H. Ostenfeld as an external lecturer in the Bridge Design Course. From 2021, Klaus H. Ostenfeld will be an honorary professor at Aarhus University, and part of our group. Thereby becoming a permanent part of the lecturer team at the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.

Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

Klaus Ostenfeld is well-known within Bridge Engineering and have over 55 years of experience. While being an honorary professor at Aarhus, Klaus will maintain his private consultancy and board memberships.

As an announcement of the new position, an interview has been made with Klaus: https://ingenioer.au.dk/en/current/news/view/artikel/bro-koryfae-bliver-aeresprofessor-paa-aarhus-universitet/


PhD Defense

Thomas Kabel has defended his PhD: "Mapping Breaking Ocean Waves using Novel LIDAR Equipment" on January 26th 2021. The defense were held primarily on ZOOM, with only Professor Georgakis and Julie from the group attending, due to the current situation. The opponents, Professor Chris Blenkinsopp (Uni. of Bath, UK) and Professor Normann Hoffmann (TUHH, Germany) approved the defense after numerous questions. 

The PhD-abstract is available on his PURE-page. The report can be requested from the library.

Thomas Kabel continues his work within academia, and are staying on as a Post Doc within the group.


Media appearance

The online news media CHEDDAR has made a video explaining why cable-stay bridges took so long to catch on and why they are the new go-to bridge for engineers. In the video, our very own Professor Christos Georgakis supports the journalist with facts and know-how, alongside Project Manager David R. Capobianco, who oversees the construction of the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge in New York.

The video is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8_wRcGUud4


PhD Defense

Marius Tarpø has defended his PhD: "Stress Estimation in Offshore Structures" on October 13th 2020. The first defense with people tuning in both live and on Zoom. The opponents liked the amount of work Marius had put into the project and approved his results.

The PhD-abstract is available on his PURE-page. The report can be requested from the library.

Marius Tarpø has continued his work within academia by joining the group of Professor Rune Brincker at DTU BYG.


Accepted journal paper

The group has published the article "Predicting wave load distributions using indirect methods" in Ocean Engineering.

The journal is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107682


PhD Defense

Michael Vigsø defended his PhD: "Indirect Wave Load Estimates using Operational Modal Analysis" on March 6th 2020. The opponents were happy with both his thesis and his presentation.

The PhD is available at his PURE-page.

After ending his PhD, Michael Vigsø has moved to the industry, with a new position at the Engineering consultancy firm, COWI in both Aarhus and Aalborg, Denmark.


Accepted journal paper

The group has published the article "Evaluating the Effect of Modelling Errors in Load Identification Using Classical Identification Methods" in Shock and Vibration.

The journal is available at: https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9490760


Accepted journal paper

The group has published the article "Expansion of experimental mode shape from operational modal analysis and virtual sensing for fatigue analysis using the modal expansion method" in International Journal of Fatigue.

The journal is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105280


Ice-Shedding Properties of Bridge-Cables

During his PhD, Lubomir Matejicka has conducted a comparative study on ice-shedding properties of bridge cables with wire meshes. This has been done in the wind tunnel at Force Technology in Copenhagen, Denmark. The tunnel allows for accumulation of ice on the bridge cables. 

The report can be found here.


Attending ICWE15, Beijing, China

The group is attending the annual ICWE (International Conference on Wind Engineering) Conference. This year its held in the capital of China, Beijing. Lubomir Matejicka attends with a poster, and paper. Furthermore, Lubomir attended the International Advanced School on Wind and Structural Engineering (IAS17) also held at Beijing University before the conference.  

The papers are:

Preliminary Comparison of the Aerodynamics of Several Concave-filleted Bridge Cable Surfaces (Lubomir Matejicka et al.)


Accepted journal paper

The group has published the article "Automated reduction of statistical errors in the estimated correlation function matrix for operational modal analysis" in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

The journal is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.07.024


Attending ISOPE2019, Hawaii, USA

The groups is attending the annual ISOPE (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering) Conference. This year its held in the beautiful city of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Michael Vigsø and Thomas Kabel are representing the groups with each of their own articles.  

The papers are:

Mapping Ocean Waves using New LIDAR Technology (Thomas Kabel et al.)
Identifying Wave Loads During Random Seas using Structural Response (Michael Vigsø et al.)


Attending IOMAC19, Copenhagen, Denmark

Several group members are attending the bi-annual International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC), that is held in Copenhagen, Denmark this year. Marius Tarpø and Michael Vigsø are both presenting at the conference with their own papers. 

The papers are:

The Effect of Modal Truncation and Spatial Distribution in Load Identification (Michael Vigsø et al.)
The Effect of Operational MOdal Analysis in Strain Estimation using the Modal Expansion (Marius Tarpø et al.)