Aarhus Universitets segl

Computational Methods

The Computational Methods Group focuses on development and application of advanced computational methods in civil engineering, including (semi) analytical and numerical methods for materials, structures and systems. Software development and coupled methods are central aspects, as is linking computational algorithms with physical experiments via hybrid testing and developing methodologies for uncertainty quantification and stochastic analysis.


Current applications relate to a variety of fields in architectural, civil and structural engineering, including:

  • structural mechanics and dynamics
  • soil–structure interaction
  • fluid–structure interaction
  • thermo-mechanics
  • sound and vibration propagation
  • risk assessment
  • sustainability and resilience.

However, we are always interested in exploring new areas, working with specialist in various fields of physics, material science, structural and architectural design, geotechnics, and marine engineering who can benefit from our strong competences in computational methods.


Our mission is to contribute to society by leading research in computational and experimental methods within civil and structural engineering. In collaboration with partners from industry, public authorities and academia, we will advance the state-of-the-art of modelling materials, structures and systems in alignment with the development of technology. Through research-based teaching, we will equip future generations of highly skilled engineers with the tools and competencies to analyse and solve complex problems in civil and structural engineering.

Software, hardware and experimental facilities

The group has access to software for analysis of structures, soils and fluids includes in-house programs for analysis of wind turbines and ground vibration as well as a variety of specialized and generalized commercial finite-element codes for academic use. A new laboratory for hybrid testing is in development in the Deep Tech Experimental Hub of Department of Engineering.

Industrial collaboration

You have the project, the product or the business case but may need scientific assistance for development of computational tools. We have competencies that may help you in documenting products or making better decisions. Together we develop the technical solutions. If you are working in consultancy or industry and see the need for competencies in computational methods, we are happy to collaborate. This could, for example, be in the form of MSc thesis projects, industrial PhD projects or postdocs. Please, contact us if you are interested in collaboration.