Kania, J. G., de Sousa, L. L. C. G., Hededal, O.
& Sørensen, K. K. (2024).
Numerical modelling of soil-pile interaction in a subsiding soil. I N. Guerra, M. Matos Fernandes, C. Ferreira, A. Gomes Correia, A. Pinto & P. Sêco Pinto (red.),
Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society (1. udg.). CRC Press.
T. Udengaard, J., Skouboe, E.
, Sørensen, K. K., Alibrandi, U. & Andersen, L. V. (2024).
PILE CAPACITY PREDICTION BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING USING SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION. Afhandling præsenteret på 19th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting, Gothenburg, Sverige.
Holdt-Olesen, D. F., Holdt-Olesen, N. F., O. Jensen, C.
, Sørensen, K. K. & R. Lodahl, M. (2024).
Strength Development And Shearing Behavior Of Cement Stabilized Gyttja. Afhandling præsenteret på 19th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting, Gothenburg, Sverige.
Zamani, G., Franza, A., Sørensen, K. K., Andersen, L. V., Tourchi, S. & Stutz, H. H. (2023).
A simplified approach to numerical modelling of an underground pumped hydroelectric energy storage system. I L. Zdravkovic, S. Kontoe, D. Taborda & K. Tsiampous (red.),
10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering https://doi.org/10.53243/NUMGE2023-104
Franza, A., Sørensen, K. K., Stutz, H. H., Pettey, A., Heron, C. & Marshall, A. (2022).
Field and centrifuge modelling of a pumped underground hydroelectric energy storage system in sand. I
10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2022 (s. 754-757)
Gribsholt-Beck, T., Bue, J., Grud, P., Furbo Rasmussen, K., Rasmussen, M., Tovsig Andersen, A., Bondo Hoff, M., Christensen, L.
, Sørensen, K. K., Rahbek Udengaard, J. & Møllerd, O. (2021, jun.).
Dynamisk prøvebelastning af pæle: PDA-målinger, CASE- og CAPWAP analyser. (1 udg.) Dansk Geoteknisk Forening. DGF vejledning Nr. 1
Damsgaard, A., Piotrowski, J. A., Madden, I., Suckale, J.
& Sørensen, K. K. (2021).
Process-based modeling of glacial till advection. Abstract fra AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA.
Stutz, H. H., Norlyk, P., Sørensen, K.
, Andersen, L. V., Sørensen, K. K. & Clausen, J. C. S. (2020).
Finite element modelling of an energy-geomembrane underground pumped hydroelectric energy storage system. Afhandling præsenteret på 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics 2020, La Jolla, USA.
Norlyk, P., Sørensen, K.
, Andersen, L. V., Sørensen, K. K. & Stutz, H. H. (2020).
Holistic simulation of a subsurface inflatable geotechnical energy storage system using fluid cavity elements.
Computers and Geotechnics,
127, Artikel 103722.
Møller, O., Frederiksen, J. K., Augustesen, A. H., Leth, C. T., Okkels, N.
& Sørensen, K. K. (2016).
Design of piles – Danish practice. I
ISSMGE - ETC3 International Symposium on Design of Piles in Europe: How did Eurocode 7 change daily practice? https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kenny_Sorensen/publication/301771286_Design_of_piles_-_Danish_practice/links/57271e4108ae586b21e251bf.pdf