Aarhus Universitets segl

Qi Luo


Postdoc, Dr.

Primær tilknytning

Qi Luo CV




Kan vi virkelig nå CO₂-toppen i 2050?
Min forskning undersøger dette ambitiøse mål fra cementindustriens perspektiv. Med mange nye lavkulstofkoncepter opstår spørgsmålet: Kan de implementeres i stor skala og faktisk føre til CO₂-negativitet? Mit arbejde fokuserer på reaktionsmekanismerne i lavkulstofcement, de mekaniske årsager til dens ydeevne og dens livscyklusvurdering (LCA) med det mål at finde bæredygtige løsninger, der kan omsættes til praksis.


I am passionate about delivering research-driven teaching that inspires students. In the past, I taught courses such as Engineering Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, and Cementitious Materials, integrating real-world applications into my lectures. My teaching excellence was recognized with consecutive Top 5% Teaching Quality Awards and a Third Prize in the Young Teacher Teaching Competition. I have also supervised Master’s and PhD students, many of whom have achieved significant academic success.


My research thrives on interdisciplinary and international collaboration, driving innovation in sustainable construction materials. I have established strong partnerships with the University of California, Irvine, the National University of Singapore, and RWTH Aachen University in Germany, working on cutting-edge projects. My Thunder Stone project, funded by the Villum Experiment, exemplifies this spirit of collaboration by integrating biology, chemistry, and materials science to explore unconventional ideas with transformative potential.

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