Aarhus Universitets segl

Construction Management

About the research group

The research group focuses on optimization of construction processes. Construction is seen as a complex production system consisting of technical, human and process related subparts. Our knowledge is applied to optimize construction in terms of productivity, cost, lead time, quality and sustainability. Our main target and challenges is to create new knowledge, methods and tools within sustainable construction management.

Core competencies are:

  • Construction Labour Productivity
  • Lean Construction
  • Embedded Energy on Construction Sites

The research group advances the research in cooperation with industrial partners as well as national and international research partners. MSc students are actively involved in the group's research work.

Open student projects

If you are interested in writing your Master thesis or a R&D project with the Construction Management research group we present her some project proposals. On the people page you can see some current and former master thesis students.

Student proposals (other thesis topics are also accepted):

  • Lean Implementation Degree’s effect on Construction Labour Efficiency (pdf)
  • Is on-site Construction Labour Productivity decreasing due to more offsite production? (pdf)
  • Causality between construction worker movement and their efficiency (pdf)
  • Correlation between Direct Work and Productivity (pdf)
  • Quantifying reduction of Embodied Energy during construction (pdf)


Søren Wandahl

Professor, Viceinstitutleder for Forskning Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign - Design and Construction

Research projects


DFF1 project funded with 2.800.000 DKR. This project investigates the correlation between worker movement and construction labour productivity and its ability to reduced embodied energy on the construction site. 

Future green construction sites

MUDP Lighthouse project funded with 11.700.000 DKR. The project looks into reducing emissions from construction site equipment. The project is run by Danish Technological Institute and together with my colleague Jochen Teizer. 

Construction Site Productivity

RealDania project funded with 3.100.000 DKR. This project identifies potential for construction productivity improvement on 3 concrete projects. The projects are then improved with well known construction management tools, and finally evaluated.