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The prestigious International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering 2024 goes to 'Denmark's bridge builder', Professor of Engineering Klaus H.…
Construction accounts for a huge part of society's waste production and energy consumption, and this must change if the industry is to be sustainable.…
Today, calculations of a construction project's energy consumption and carbon emissions are based on information from manufacturers in manuals and…
Tutors and lecturers will be busy when the largest group of engineering students in the university's history starts after the summer holidays.
Several hundred engineers graduated last week. Aarhus University wishes all the newly graduated engineers the best of luck in the future.
Three days of panel discussions, political events and democratic dialogue on the Island of Bornholm is over. Here are some of the highlights from the…
The food of the future, Danish waters, climate, health and regenerative building design will be among the topics for debate when engineers once again…
Aarhus University is now realising its plans to sell its share of the harbour-side Navitas building. The sale is part of AU’s vision of a unified,…
Aarhus University is once again experiencing a surge of quota 2 applicants to its engineering degree programmes.
Aarhus University would like to congratulate the 483 new MSc and BSc engineering graduates.
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