Aarhus University Seal

Peder Hvid Maribo


Associate Professor, Civilingeniør M.Sc.Eng.

Primary affiliation

Peder Hvid Maribo CV

Areas of expertise

  • Waste water treatment
  • Sludge treatment
  • Treatment of drinking water
  • Contaminated soil

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address

Teaching activities

Wastewater Engineering (my area: wastewater treatment) for Civil Enginering students as well as for Bio & Chemical engineering students at bachelorlevel.

Water Supply Engineering (my area: ground water chemistry & drinking water treatment) for civil engineering bachelor students.

Hydrualics (for 1st year civil engineering students)

Cross Cultural understanding and project work. Methods for project work and cultural understanding. For international students. 

Job responsibilities

Teaching at CAE (Diploma Engineering Education) and at BCE

Union representative for academic staff (IDA, DM, DJØF & FAOD)

Member of CAE Local Liason Comittee (LLC) and Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHS)

Selected publications

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Selected projects

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