In June 2024 I added "Mediator" to my CV and I tend to pass on this knowledge to my classes studying construction management. My hope is, that they will be able to affect working relationships to the better in construction industry.
In 2023 I wrote a book "Byggejura for entreprenører" (= "Contractors book about Construction Law" published by Akademisk forlag for Anlægsteknikforeningen i Danmark (A society for lecturers teaching Plant engineering and Construction Management). The book is targetet students as well as the industry and my hope is, that an uncomplicated version of DK Construction Laws will help the business avoiding disputes.
As lecturer I mainly teach engineering students on bachelor-level in courses with link to construction management, fx. Construction Management and Construction Law. I´m also supervisor on bachelorprojects.
I also have the luck to meet our students on their, and semester, where I teach project management with regards to the building industry and construction processes, fx. Digital design and construction.
Up to 2013 I was a contractor myself. I started in 1995 and did a lot of Turn Key contracts until I took more interest in planning, fx. Lean Construction and worked more as a consultant.
From 2017 - 2021 I had an extra job as consultant for Exigo, spezialised in construction planning. For now I spent leissure time as voluntary board member in our local community center and as chairman for our Yachting Clus since 2019.