Aarhus University Seal

Sofie Rønnou Fangel


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Sofie Rønnou Fangel

Areas of expertise

  • Architecture
  • Designproces and design tools
  • Tectonic
  • Architecture history

Contact information

Email address

Teaching activities

I have a background as a practicing architect, which is the starting point for my teaching approach in the link between theory and practice. My teaching is based on a holistic approach and understanding of construction, where aesthetics and technique have an interrelationship that is supported by a tectonic approach.

My teaching is deeply rooted in the idea that architecture is not just a physical manifestation, but also phenomenological that touches and influences people's lives. Through my teaching, I strive to inspire my students to understand the role of architecture in society and the importance of creating meaningful and sustainable buildings.

I teach basic architectural understanding, design process and use of design tools in the early design process, through a project-oriented approach.