Aarhus University Seal

Nikolaj Braüner Bjerge


PhD Student, MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering

Primary affiliation

Nikolaj Braüner Bjerge

Contact information

Email address


Diligent and hardworking

Excellent organization skills

Creative thinking


Highly responsible

Outgoing and positive personality


Here are some of my team-related qualities:

  • Efficiently leverages available resources.
  • Contributing to team goals.
  • Contributes positivity and humor to team environments.
  • Recognizes the importance of the human element in organizations and teams.

Job responsibilities

I work as a scientific assistant in collaboration with Giuseppe Abbiati and have a close working relationship with Anders Dammark (PhD student). My specialization lies in finite element modeling using the programming language Julia, specifically for models related to offshore wind turbines, namely jacket structures.